Age-Friendly Forsyth is developing Forsyth County’s Community Plan on Aging hand-in-hand with local residents through the identification and launching of Strategy Teams.
Strategy Teams are developed around the initiative’s focus areas and are comprised of residents and organizational representatives. The Teams are responsible for making data-informed decisions around priorities and acting on strategies to improve outcomes for aging adults. There are currently two launched teams:
1. Services Awareness and Access—identifies outcomes and tactics to improve awareness and access of various aging adult services within Forsyth County, with the goal of showing measured improvement of services awareness of the 60 and older population. Once outcomes are identified, smaller work groups from within the Team will form to ensure identified tactics are implemented.
2. Home Repair/Modifications—identifies outcomes and tactics to improve home repair/modification needs among aging adults within Forsyth County. Once outcomes are identified, smaller work groups from within the Team will form to ensure identified tactics are implemented.